Saturday, April 9, 2011

Nation wide tests suck...but at least something good is on~

Leading to my lack of reviews, posts, updates, etc...well I hate to claim but I have been studying. I have absolutely momentarily separated myself from the world of anime (aside from in attempts to try and study for the major exams that will lead to whether or not I get in to college. (You know...AP, SAT, ACT and so on.) This being the case, I will start off by saying posts will be scarce since I must go and bury myself in study guides. However, I have been adding to my list of anime as to what I will binge on when I finish all of this. (Expect the binging to start after about the second or third week in may) After exams, and some minor binging, I will focus solely on cosplays I intend to have done by a convention in August, (Finished pictures may appear.) as well as memorize three songs to perform at said convention. ON ANOTHER NOTE: I WILL start posting more when I get free time. It is just really hard right now, but I intend to watch a bunch of anime when I get the chance.

Fortunately, I have been counting down the days to the release of this particular anime:

I had been counting down the days to Maria Holic Alive's release and I even managed to exclaim in my class when I realized the date and said, "-HUGE GASP- MARIA HOLIC ALIVE STARTS AIRING TOMORROW <3 <3 :DDD" (The emotes are necessary to express my excitement in that situation.) This being so, I was heartbroken that I had to wait until today for a subbed version to come out. I came across it this morning, but had a test, so I couldn't watch it. However, I was buzzing with excitement all up until I got home so that I could watch the thing I had been waiting so long to see.

For those who don't know, Maria Holic Alive is the second season to Maria Holic, which is a story of a lesbian girl, named Kanako Miyamae, who goes to an all girls school that her parents met at in order to try and find a love of her own. However, (and really there are no spoilers when I say this, it is in the first episode. However, if you don't want to know, don't read the next few lines.) when she meets a lovely "girl" named Mariya Shidou upon which Kanako has instantly fallen for. However, to a bit of misfortune, she discovers that Mariya is actually a boy who is having a bet with his twin sister (who is infiltrating the "brother" school as a boy) in order to see who will become the chairman of the two schools. (Which was his Grandmother's job.) By figuring this out, Kanako must swear to secrecy she will never say a word of it to the other students.

This all being so, Kanako's chances of finding love are hindered due to Mariya constantly budding in and separating her from other students to ensure that she doesn't spill the secret that Mariya is carrying. Along with this, Mariya finds random ways in which she can torment Kanako along the way. (In actuality, it is no doubt that Mariya is merely a sadist.)

Anyway, Kanako is prone to excessive nosebleeds, hives when touched by men, and an extensive inner dialogue. Everything becomes so over dramatic by the way in which she expresses it through inner monologue, and it makes the situations far more hilarious.

The show is absolutely hilarious, which is something I must note. I love how over dramatic all of the concepts are and as to the high levels in which the characters respond. Which ads another thing, I love the characters. They each hold interesting characteristics that lead to Kanako falling for each of them, finding it hard to choose. (Though I must say, one of my favorites is the Dorm Leader, who has the students refer to her as "God")

Anyways, after watching the first season, (upon which I highly recommend) I was excited for the next to come. And after watching the first episode, I am thrilled to see how the rest of the season will unfold. This definitely will lead to a humorous and exciting season. (Also, I can continue to fan girl over the pairings I am shipping in this series!)

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