Monday, February 21, 2011

An important life lesson is in this.

This work of masterpiece is one that can ultimately display a life lesson to many. “The Girl Who Leapt Through Time” allows the audience to understand that every action has an equal and opposite reaction and that the things in which we do can drastically alter the things that occur around us. It is similar to the term, “If you kill a butterfly in the past, it can dramatically alter the present.” 

“The Girl Who Leapt Through Time” is told through the female character, Makoto Konno, a somewhat normal high school student. However, she one day mysteriously acquires the ability to time travel. This ability is referred to as a “time leap” and was discovered one day when she almost was caught in fatal accident at a railroad crossing. Her breaks on her bike went out and she flipped over the bar just as the train was about to come. Out of nowhere, she suddenly time leaps and is all right and walks away, unharmed before the incident even happens.  

Makoto discovers as to what this ability entitles through her aunt who she refers to as a witch. “Auntie Witch” informs her as to how from time to time, teenagers receive this odd ability.

Excited about this new found ability, Makoto in turn uses her time leaps to prevent ordinary day-to-day occurrences such as being tardy or failing a test. She even uses her time leaps once to extend a karaoke session for hours to prevent from paying to extend the time. Over time however, she begins to realize as she does these things, her actions are starting to affect others around her.

A prime example is when she was working on a cooking assignment in class. The first time, she messed up. The second time though, she convinced a boy to switch jobs with her and he was in turn the one who messed up, and she was fully prepared to deal with the accident, knowing it would occur. This being the case, the boy is then ridiculed for his mistake through the rest of the movie and in turn begins to become mentally unstable. 

 She eventually starts repeatedly using her time leaps when her friend, Chiaki Mamiya, confesses that he in fact loves her. Makoto finds the idea awkward and tries to fit every scenario around it to prevent the incident from occurring.

Over time though, she discovers that her leaps are limited. However, she uses the last of them to prevent Chiaki from figuring out she could time leap. This being the case, she is unable to stop a terrible accident from occurring between her other friend and his girl friend. 

The next is a huge climactic part in which Chiaki and Makoto share a dramatic moment. This is one of the most crucial and heart breaking moments of the film. Time mysteriously stops and you essentially feel the same amount of pain and sorrow that Makoto feels in this moment.

This film ultimately tears at your heartstrings and pulls you in completely. The idea of this film is something of interesting, and definitely has character development that you just love. The only downside is, you hate the actions of the characters themselves and it makes you frustrated that the story doesn’t play out the way you want it to.

That was the only problem I found in this film. Over time you just despise the way in which the characters make their choices and you practically find yourself begging for this tale to end in a different manner.

However, the film is over all an excellent masterpiece. If you don’t mind a little bit of rage that may be enclosed towards the ending, this is definitely a wondrous story with a good plot. 

 Remember, time waits for no one.

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