Monday, February 28, 2011

The reasons as to why I fail in social situations (plus a clue to my next review.)

This particular article actually relates to several reviews that will occur in the future...but it mostly is a random story about how I fail.

Recently, I was faced with a difficult trial. From time to time, I go to bookstores and look at their selection of anime and manga. Well this past Friday after I watched "Summer Wars", I visited a bookstore in town and came to notice that Funimation has released these "SAVE" dvds that contain and entire series just in one set. It is like a smaller version of a box set and is much cheaper.

I ended up purchasing "Comic Party Revolution" since it had all 13 episodes for only about $15. Talk about a great deal, right? Well, when I was there, I also noticed that they had a very similar deal for "Welcome to the NHK", which I happened to have ADORED when I watched it two years ago. However, when I looked at the rating on the back, I instantly feared that I couldn't get it. So I left the store, slightly heart broken.

The next day, I attended an art contest in which I didn't interact with anyone and just awkwardly stood, leaning against a rail and clutching a large canvas. Every time someone came near me, I would instantly tense up and feel myself turn to stone (similar to Kuragehime) and pray to myself they wouldn't try and talk to me. Lucky for me, when I went to get judged, my nerves disappeared when I saw the classroom was coated in anime drawings and demotivational posters. The only people I talked to at that entire thing was my judge, one of my friends I saw for 15 minutes, and my art teachers.

Afterwards however, I decided to derp around. One of those derps brought me back to the bookstore. I found myself going back over and picking up the "Welcome to the NHK" dvd once more and clutching it tightly. It was so close in my grasp and I was so close to buying it. I feared though that my age was a huge factor though. I was pretty sure I was old enough...but I wasn't clear about their ages regarding ratings. I peered over and saw a woman restocking shelves. I took in a deep breath, telling myself, "You can do this, come on...the worse she can say is, 'you aren't old enough' or 'no.'" So with all of my confidence I walked over to her. This is how it went:

Me: -walks up to employee- Excuse'am?
Employee: -turns around- Yes? How may I help you?
Me: I was wondering...-pauses-
Inner Thoughts: Oh Gosh, what if she thinks badly of me? I don't want to be judged! What if they kick me out or something?! (continue inner rant)
Employee: Wondering what?
Me: Uh...euh...-panics and randomly points to a part on the price tag- What does this mean?!
Employee: -gives me a look as if she was annoyed by my question and thought I was crazy- doesn't really mean anything in particular.
Me: O-oh! Well...thank you anyways!
Employee: Uh...anytime...
Me: -retreats awkwardly to the anime aisle again-
It can all be illustrated through these screen shots from Kuragehime:
In other words, from time to time I can totally suck when it comes to interaction in public situations.

So that day, I ended up chickening out and not buying the DVD. I kind of sat in a pool of self pity for a while, mad at myself that I cannot even ask a simple question. However, this past Monday I asked all of my friends at school if I was old enough, and they said yes, which built up my confidence dramatically.

That afternoon, I went back to the book store, standing outside, a look of determination on my face.

I was going to do this. No backing down now.

I walked through the store with a purpose, telling myself to not give up. I picked up the DVD, walked to the register and the woman sold me the DVD. She didn't even ID me. She handed me the bag and I thanked her, leaving the store.

When I left the store...I paused momentarily. I held up the DVD, looking at it and a huge smile came across my face and I squealed with excitement and hugged the DVD shouting, "I got it, I got it! I actually bought it! Ah~" and jumped up and down, spinning in circles, "I can't believe I have Welcome to the NHK in my hands!" in that moment, I sang about my new found ownership of this DVD and danced all the way back to my car.

(I feel Clover from 999's absolute adorableness captures my happiness <3)

After overcoming my awkward social issues, I realized this: I now know what true bliss feels like.

ON ANOTHER NOTE: With the beginning of a new month, I will go back to reviewing rather than my off topic rants for a while.

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